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Presentations from Genoa 2011

16 July 2013 Content

26 october 2011

Session 1: Three years after its adoption, the progress made with the Waste Framework Directive

Session 2: Legal obligations regarding waste prevention and implementation at local level

Session 3: Legal obligations for selective collection and recycling

Session 4: Legal obligations regarding economic instruments

27 october 2011

Session 1: Waste prevention: how to prepare, designcommunicate, implement, and monitor a waste prevention programme

Share your experience, your innovative solutions, your quantitative data or your questions concerning waste prevention policies in all their aspects.

Session 2: Measuring and comparing recycling performances at local and regional level?

ACR+ European Observatory leading the way. Measure the progress of the European Observatory of Municipal Waste Recycling Performances launched at the GA last year and present your own quantitative results and good practices for an exciting benchmark.

Keynote speech: Hara Xirou, ACR+ and Olivier De Clercq, ACR+

Contributions by ACR+ members:

Session 3: How to build a Euro-Mediterranean network of local and regional authorities on waste management policies and which capacity building strategies adopt?

Contribute to the extension of the ACR+ concept towards the specific challenges and solutions of cities and regions in the Mediterranean and Neighbouring countries, bring you own experience regarding North-South partnerships and capacity building for (and by) public authorities.

Keynote speech: Jean-Jacques Dohogne, ACR+ and Jean-Pierre Hannequart, ACR+

Contributions by ACR+ members and invitees:

  • Zagreb Municipality, Sandra Tucak-Zoriç, Office for Energy, Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development

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