Our Mission and Vision


“Our mission is to provide our members with concrete tools and approaches to enact the transition towards waste-free circular systems in their territories and beyond.” 

At ACR+, our mission is to lead the way in sustainable material resource management by empowering cities and regions to become frontrunners in the transition towards a circular economy to insure wellbeing for all in the limits of our planet. We are dedicated to accomplishing this by maintaining 3 pillars:

  • ACR+ is at the service of its members
  • ACR+ is the voice of decentralised authorities
  • ACR+ is a gateway to technical data


This approach allows us to focus on enabling local and regional authorities to develop, implement, and scale effective waste prevention and resource management strategies. We believe that by fostering collaboration, sharing knowledge, and building capacity, we can create a network of cities and regions that are equipped to tackle the environmental challenges of today and tomorrow. 

Through policy advocacy, research, and hands-on support, ACR+ strives to drive systemic change, ensuring that sustainability becomes an integral part of how communities function. By working together, we can shape a future where resources are managed sustainably, economies are circular, our environmental footprint is significantly reduced, and the urgent need to decarbonise our economies and lower CO2 emissions is addressed. 


At ACR+, we envision a future with vibrant cities and regions where the economic and ecological systems go hand-in-hand, through policies aimed at a fair distribution of wealth and resources, a fair access to public services, while guaranteeing positive effects on the environment and public health. 

Our vision is built on the belief that local and regional authorities have a crucial role to play in achieving global sustainability goals. We see a world where innovation – both technological and non-technological solutions, collaboration, and shared knowledge empower these authorities to reduce their environmental impact while ensuring economic resilience and social well-being. 

By advocating for policies that support waste prevention, recycling, and resource efficiency, and by providing members with the tools and expertise they need, ACR+ aims to make this vision a reality. Together, we can create a more sustainable and circular future for all.