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Statutory General Assembly 2011

16 July 2013 Content

The ACR+ 2011 Statutory General Assembly will take place on October 27 from 16:00 to 18:00 in Genoa, Italy in the framework of the International Conference on the Practical Implementation of the European Waste Framework Directive at local and regional level (click here for more information).

Agenda of the meeting:

You can click on each topic to download the corresponding document.
You will need to enter your member log-in details in order to access them. If you do not have them yet, please click here to fill in your details and register on our webpage.

1- Activity report 2011

2- Work programme 2012

3- ACR+ Med Network: approval of next steps

4- Financial report 2010

5- Budget 2012

6- Renewal of the Board of Directors

See the program of the Statutory General Assembly.

Outcomes of the Statutory General Assembly 2011:

Download the Minutes of the Statutory General Assembly 2011 

Download the Activity Report 2011 Presentation by Olivier De Clercq (available for ACR+ members only)

Download the Work Programme 2012 Presentation by Jean-Pierre Hannequart (available for ACR+ members only)

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