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WEEE Public Interest Network

16 July 2013 Content

  • What is the WEEE-PIN ?

The WEEE-PIN (Waste Electric and Electronic Equipment - Public Interest Network) was created within ACR+ and represents local and regional public authorities on WEEE issues at European level.

WEEE-PIN: an explanation

The WEEE-PIN aims to involve local authorities in the revision process of Directive 2006/92/EC 'WEEE Directive' and make their voices heard in the debates. Local and regional authorities have lots of expertise indeed in the collection and recycling of waste, but they are suffering today from an insufficient application of producer responsibility and from the confusing and inconsistent way the European WEEE Directive has been implemented throughout Europe.

The WEEE-PIN aims to be:
  • An information exchange platform
    • representing European Local and Regional Authorities
    • with access to discussions left to all kinds of stakeholders, except producers and Producer Complicance Schemes 
  • An instrument that will defend the general/public interest, especially for
    • the revision of the WEEE directive
    • the revision of the Waste Framework Directive 
The WEEE-PIN aims to develop common positions on the following six issues:
  1. The status of reuse and the promotion of social economy within the existing systems
  2. The covering of costs by Producer Compliance Schemes
  3. The advantages and weaknesses of the different existing structures of Producer Compliance Schemes
  4. The transparency issue
  5. The development of markets and standards of collection and treatment in order to avoid "eco-dumping"
  6. The need to keep separate systems for household and industrial waste

The chairmen of the WEEE-PIN are Mr Chr. Delatter from VVSG and Mr N. Garnier from AMORCE.

For further information please contact:

Christof Delatter

WEEE-PIN co-chaiman  

February 2011

‘WEEE – recast’  - Parliament’s plenary vote! ACR+ / WEEE-Pin communication

On Thursday 3 February 2011, the WEEE Directive took another step forward in the recast process with the European Parliament’s adoption of its first reading report. ACR+ read the approved text carefully, made the comparison with our previously expressed views, gave a number of comments and, eventually, an idea of how some key issues could be monitored by the ACR+ secretariat, its members and the WEEE-Pin members in the future.

Read the ACR+ communication (09 February 2011)


WEEE-PIN Previous Meetings


WEEE-PIN Members


ACR+ Members


Agencia de Residus de Catalonia (ES)
IBGE Bruxelles Environnement (BE)
London Remade (UK)
Milton Keynes (UK)
Nantes Métropole (FR)
Région Wallonne (BE)
Rudologia (FR)
SETOM (Evreux, FR)



Icelandic Association of Local Authorities (IS)
Kuntaliitto (FI)
Municipal Waste Europe
RAL Assurance Quality (DE)
SVIM spa (IT)
Tampere Solid Waste Management (FI)

WEEE-PIN Support Information

European regulation

  • Proposal COM(2008) 810/4 to review the Directive on waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) (MO)
  • DIRECTIVE 2002/96/EC on waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) (27/01/03) (MO)
  • DIRECTIVE 2002/95/EC on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment 27/1/03 (MO)

Position papers

  • WEEE-PIN's views on recast of WEEE directives Position Paper - 22/02/2010
  • WEEE-PIN POSITION PAPER issued 30/11/07 and revised 27/03/08
  • Orgalime Position Paper on Review of Directive 2002/96/EC on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) – 19/02/07 (MO)
  • EICTA (European digital technology industry) Position Statement on the Waste Framework Directive) (MO)
  • Joint Statement by a group of Industry and NGOs on Producer Responsibility for WEEE – 02/03/07 (MO)
  • RAL approves Commission’s climate protection targets – January 07 (MO)


Press releases

Links to useful sites


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