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Conference: Waste and Climate Change

16 July 2013 Content

Hosted by London Remade
Supported by the Mayor of London, the London Development Agency, London Councils, Defra and the Chartered Institution of Wastes Management

Thursday 31 January & Friday 1st February 2008
Royal Institute of British Architects
66 Portland Place, London, W1

Programme - English - French - Spanish

Submitted papers not presented at the conference can be downloaded below (see end of page).


DAY 1 - Thursday 31 January 2008

Session 1: the impact of waste management on climate change

Session 2: life-cycle analysis and other methods of impact assessment

Session 3: energy balance of waste prevention and reuse

Session 4: energy balance of recycling

DAY 2 - Friday 1 February 2008

Session 5: energy balance of organic and residual waste management

Session 6: energy balance of waste collection and transport

  • Closing speech - Jean-Pierre Hannequart (President, ACR+, Belgium) - Available soon

Submitted papers not presented at the conference (compiled per topic):

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