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The European Commission should make food waste a top priority in its revised Circular Economy Package and set a Europe-wide commitment to reduce it, said Dr Liz Goodwin OBE, Chief Executive Officer of the Waste & Resources Action Programme (WRAP, ACR+ Member), when speaking during Resourcing the Future 2015 Conference on 25 June 2015 in London.

Speaking to delegates at the conference in London on 25 June 2015, Goodwin highlighted that WRAP’s formal response to the recent consultation on the revised Circular Economy Package will include a call for food waste to be made ‘top priority’.

She stated that in just 10 years, four million more tonnes of food will be needed to feed the UK population and In 15 years, a 40% increase in energy demands can be expected. In 25 years, food demand will have increased by 6%. Goodwin underlined that these are serious challenges for the next generation. She added that she believes avoidable food waste could be halved in 10 years’ time.

Touching on the fact that the commission is looking at softer approaches for collective action, rather than always relying on legislation, Goodwin stated that voluntary agreements – such as the grocery sector’s Courtauld Commitment on resource efficiency – can be a positive force for good if they are done well. According to her, they encourage people to work together for a common goal.

The European Commission consultation for the new Circular Economy Package is open until the 20 August 2015.  

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