On 5 April 2016 ACR+ member ORDIF presented its latest data on the waste produced by inhabitants of the Paris Region. In 2014, each inhabitant produced about 462 kg of household waste and similar (i.e. commercial waste similar to household waste and collected with them). This amount is stable compared to 2013 (+0.4 kg/cap).

Every year, ORDIF carries out a survey on the management of household waste and similar by the public service, with the support of both the Paris Region Council and ADEME (the French Environment and Energy Management Agency). The data are then presented in a report validated by a working group composed of ORDIF’s members and partners. The report will be issued by the end of the first semester on ORDIF’s website. Factsheets focusing on the waste management in every of the 8 “départements” (administrative division of France) encompassed in the Region will also be made available.

In addition, in order to identify the potential for recycling, a specific study on local composition analysis data was launched by ORDIF at the end of 2015, in collaboration with the Paris Region and local authorities.

For more information on the survey: www.ordif.com (In French)

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