The average Flemish person wastes nearly 34 kg of edible food annually. According to the new monitor of the Food Loss Action Plan published by ACR+ member OVAM, around 900 000 tonnes of food are lost each year in Flanders, with households accounting for a quarter of this waste. Unfortunately, most of this food ends up in regular waste bags and is eventually incinerated. To improve the valorisation of food waste in Flanders, from 1 January 2024 there will be an obligation on selective collection. Organic waste will have to be kept separately. This need not only be done via an organic collection. Stimulating home composting can be a way to valorise food waste and avoid food from the residual waste bag. With the Food Loss and Biomass Action Plan, OVAM aims to prevent food loss and food waste streams, oversee selective collection and the processing of food residue streams and support innovative projects to prevent food loss support.
Source: (in Dutch)

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