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ACR+ member Greater Pamplona has launched the third domestic, community, and school composting competition for those who produce compost in the region. Participants will be sent a compost knowledge questionnaire and the results will determine who will advance to the next round of the competition. Contestants with the highest scores on the questionnaire will go to the next phase. During the months of May and June, the technical service of Greater Pamplona will visit the selected entities to collect a sample of compost. A technical report will be drawn up based on this visit, analysing the physico-chemical characteristics, the amount of nutrients and the concentration of heavy metals. Winners will be determined by the sum of their scores from the three stages of the competition: registration, sample collection, and compost analysis. The competition will have three winners – prize for the best domestic compost, prize for the best community compost and prize for the best scholar compost.
Source: (in Spanish)

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