Lisboa 80px

ACR+ member Lisbon distributes 350.000 recycling kits, and calls for a greater participation of the inhabitants in the separation of waste at home, and its correct disposal in ecopoints. The kit is composed of three ecobags, suitable for the separation of paper/cardboard, packaging and glass, with information on the separation of the three types of waste, and what can be deposited in each ecopoint. The campaign began on 5 April, and comes after the reinforcement of equipment on public roads: 280 underground eco-islands, 500 litter bins, and 782 containers for the new bilateral collection system were installed in municipal districts.

In 2019, 331.327 tonnes of waste were collected in Lisbon. The recycling and preparation for reuse rate, at 35.3%, is the highest in the country, confirming the average increase of 1% per year that has taken place since 2014.

Source: (in Portuguese)


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