Zero Waste Scotland 190px

Re-use and repair are essential activities within a circular economy, maintaining value and reducing wasted resource. Re-use has therefore been a significant programme of activity at ACR+ member Zero Waste Scotland since 2011. In order to overview the activities undertaken as part of Zero Waste Scotland’s Re-use and Repair programme between 2011–17, the organisation has issued a report. It is intended as an evaluation of this six-year work, in order to understand and set out the learning and impacts from Zero Waste Scotland support and Scottish Government investment.
The over-arching objectives of the programme across the six-year period were to:

  • Mainstream re-use behaviours by overcoming existing negative consumer perceptions of re-use.
  • Improve and expand the re-use and repair sector through business support, grant funding and training.

The activity up to the end of March 2017 amounts to over 500 financial and advisory interventions at a range of organisations including local authorities, social enterprises and community groups.
Current re-use and repair support is being delivered through an embedded approach, integrating re-use activity across programmes within Zero Waste Scotland. Key activities contributing to the re-use agenda are the Circular Economy Business Support Service and access to the Circular Economy Investment Fund, as well as supporting the NHSScotland to consider increasing re-use on its premises. There has been further strategic commitment to the Revolve re-use standard over a 5-year period to 2023 and commitment to the Re-use Line to establish a financially sustainable model.

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