University of Deusto, Spain, was founded in 1886 and comprises 6 Faculties: Psychology and Education, Human and Social Sciences, Law, Business and Economic Sciences, Theology and Engineering.
DeustoTech – Deusto Institute of Technology, affiliated to the Faculty of Engineering, encompasses the research activity carried out by this Faculty. DeustoTech conducts applied and basic research for the development of novel ICTs applications. It is organized in four units dedicated to Societal Challenges, Mobility, Industry, Energy & Environment and a Chair on Applied Mathematics. Energy Unit was born as a response to the present and future needs of companies in the energy sector, in order to lead the R&D effort and to bring progress to the society, companies and to protect the environment. Currently, this unit develops novel technologies and methods for sustainable urban planning and to foster circular economy solutions. Moreover, the expertise of this unit includes also solutions in the field of prompt alarm systems, advanced monitoring systems, agent-based modelling, optimal operation and control of complex supply networks, Life Cycle Analysis, etc.
Ainhoa Alonso Vicario, Head of the Energy and Environment Unit – Deusto Tech, gives us more information on the University's activities regarding sustainable resource management and circular economy.
ACR+: Why have you joined ACR+, what are your expectations regarding your membership to the Network?
A.A.V.: We have joined ACR+ because, as Energy and Environment Unit, our research is focused on resource efficiency, sustainability and circular economy. These areas are well aligned with ACR+ topics and synergies may arise. We are currently collaborating with PPI4Waste project to promote, among the members of Waste4Think project, the Public Procurement for Innovation.
ACR+: How do you cooperate with local and regional authorities?
A.A.V.: We cooperate closely with our local and regional authorities. In our projects we look for this cooperation as our institution fosters local and region
al development, both at industrial and societal scale. We participate in collaborative and private projects with local and regional authorities. An example of this is the collaboration we are carrying out with Zamudio Municipality (Spain) to establish a new system of waste management based on PAYT scheme. For this purpose, social actions campaigns for citizen sensitization, co-creation and citizen science activities are being carried out. We consider participation of citizenship as a key factor for the success in the implementation of new processes.
ACR+: Could you share with us one of your main achievements, a successful project you conducted, (if possible linked with resource management)?
A.A.V.: DeustoTech Energy Unit is leading the European Horizon2020 project Waste4Think (GA 688995), which started in June 2016. 19 partners, including ACR+ members Cascais Ambiente and BCN Ecologia, will collaborate during 42 months on this project. The main objective of Waste4Think is to move forward the current waste management practices into a new system based on circular economy principles. This project intends to demonstrate the value of integrating and validating 20 eco-innovative solutions that cover all waste value chain. The benefits of these solutions will be enhanced by a holistic waste data management methodology, and will be demonstrated in 4 complementary urban areas in Europe: Cascais (PT), Zamudio (ES), Seveso (IT), Halandri (GR).
ACR+: Do you have one or 2 main actions/projects that you would like to implement in the upcoming year (if possible in linked with resource management)?
A.A.V.: Our efforts, apart from continuing our participation in European Projects, are focused on the replication of the different results we are obtaining in Waste4Think project. One example of this is the development of a protocol for food waste prevention and reduction. Currently we are developing a pilot initiative, called SavingFood, to evaluate a methodology for the identification of potential generators of edible food surplus. Our intention is to widen this case study, replicate it and fight against food waste.