ACR+ is part of a consortium working for EPSON (European Territorial Observatory Network that aims to inspire policy making with territorial evidence) on a new study named CIRCTER. The main objective of this analysis on circular economy is to provide evidence on the territorial dimension of the transition towards a circular economy and to provide evidence on local and regional patterns and flows of materials, including resources and waste. The analysis of the territorial dimension aims to cover changes in resource use, design, production, distribution, consumption and waste management. In addition, it aims to provide input to European regions and cities on their potential for implementing steps towards a circular economy.
ACR+ is mainly involved in:

  • The highlight of useful policy recommendations for different types of territories based on a comprehensive but not exhaustive inventory of national, regional and local polices successful in stimulating the circular economy;
  • The in-depth analysis of 6 circular economy cases;
  • The creation of a Policy Guide to give regional and city authorities a guidance in facilitating the transition towards circular economy.

The project will provide its final results in May 2019.

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