Recurso – Residuo - Recurso? Entre todos es posible un ciclo sostenible

R QUE R promote the exchange and dissemination of experiences of good practices for the prevention, the selective collection and the reuse of solid waste, between European and South American cities, with the aim to reduce environmental and health issues, and to promote citizens’ participation and employment of people in a precarious situation.

The project stared in April 2003 and had a duration of 18 months. It received financial support from the European Commission (URB-AL – Europa – America Latina ; EuropeAid)

Download the "Manual de buenas practicas sobre la prevencion et la valorisacion de los residuos municipales"

Encouraging Local Initiatives For Sustainable Lifestyles in Enlarged Europe


To raise awareness of local and regional authorities in the newly enlarged Europe on the role that they may play to promote lifestyles having less environmental impacts in terms of consumption of natural resources and of generation of waste.

To provide these authorities with communication tools to develop campaigns that raise awareness of the general public on the impacts of lifestyles on the consumption of natural resources and generation of waste.


Organisation of an International Conference in Turku, Finland, on 28 and 29 October 2004 « Towards waste-free lifestyles – European conference on local authority action»  - Download the FR programme and the proceedings

Production of communication tools and dissemination of a CD-Rom for the use of local and regional authorities


12 months from April 2004

This project receives financial support from the European Community. 




  • UBC: Union of Baltic Cities – Environment Commission Secretariat,Finland
  • City of Turku, Finland
  • RRF: Resource Recovery Forum,United-Kingdom
  • ISD: Instytut na rzecz Ekorozwoju – Institute for Sustainable Development, Poland

In 2004, to celebrate its 10 years of existence, the ACR+ looked to extend its activities to cities of Central and Eastern European and  Mediterranean countries. The coordination of this project will be led by ACR+. In addition to the Algerian, Moroccan and Tunisian national authorities, the project will include ACR+ members and Maghrebian LRAs as partners.  
It is with this objective that ACR+ participated in the MED'ACT project. This project, financed by the European Commission, allowed the ACR+ to acquire a first successful experience in these countries. The contribution of the ACR+ consisted of the delivery of an analysis of integrated waste-product-resources management in the Tunisian city of Mahdia and in the definition of ideas for future improvement.  
This project helped us to take part in the development of the European neighbourhood policy and to strengthen ties with the competent services in the European Commission.  
Meetings organised in 18 February 2004 and in 29 April 2005 in Brussels helped us to open relations with representatives from Mediterranean cities and to identify the priorities for further cooperation.  ACR+ was also associated with the organisation of the Maghrebian Symposium on the efficient management of wastes that took place in Algiers on  7-9 May, 2005.



Conference of 29 April 2005

  • Programme of the International Conference  "Quelles orientations pour une coopération décentralisée entre la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale et les pays du Maghreb ? La gestion des déchets dans une perspective de développement durable" (in French)
  • Minutes of session  "Séminaire du 29 avril 2005: Résumé des sessions parallèles" (in French)
  • Draft  "Avant-projet d’accord de partenariat dans le domaine de la gestion intégrée des déchets et des ressources" (in French)
  • Warmer Bulletin article on the Conference "Séminaire international du 29 avril 2005 sur le thème de la coopération décentralisée entre la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale et les pays du Maghreb en matière de gestion durable des déchets". (in French)


The APPRICOD project - Assessing the Potential of Plastic Recycling in Construction and Demolition Activities aimed at developing a partnership between various European actors to promote the selective collection of plastic waste from construction and demolition (C&D) activities.

Project co-funded by the European Commission under the LIFE-Environment programme,  2003 - 2006.

Assessing the Potential of Plastics Recycling in the Construction and Demolition Activities

Managing Urban Europe-25 aimed to improve the development and the implementation of environmental management systems for urban zones. The project is connected to the thematic Strategy on the urban environment and co-financed by the European Commission.

Coordinated by the Union of Baltic Cities (UBC), this project involved 23 partners including 14 pilot cities.


The project

Managing Urban Europe-25 aimed at improving the environmental quality and sustainability of European cities by delivering a framework for better implementation of already existing environmental management systems (EMS) like EMAS, ISO 14001 series and eco-budget.

Through practical work with the cities, like local training, capacity building and research, MUE-25 was be part of a larger picture of strengthening environmental and sustainable practices. The project was closely linked to the Thematic Strategy on the Urban Environment within the 6th Environmental Action Plan of the European Union.

The main outcome of the project is a framework EMS system, an EMS umbrella, which enables the implementation of environmental management systems for the entire urban area. By using the system, the cities should better be able to improve implementation of environmental legislation, municipal policy integration and coherence, urban management, municipal compliance with existing legislation and voluntary agreements, as well as environmental assessment and reporting and communication with local stakeholders.


ACR+ contribution was in providing training support in waste management and in disseminating results.



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