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Region Stedendriehoek supports and motivates companies to improve their circularity. Thanks to a contribution from ACR+ member Clean Tech Region, four companies now receive a significant financial contribution from the Circular Factories Stimulus Fund, which enables them to make their product, production or chain more circular. The fund contribution amounts to EUR 687 000. These circular projects can generate significant savings in mineral and fossil raw materials, including no less than 6.6 million m3 of groundwater and a huge reduction of CO2 emissions.  
The four companies and projects selected are BioPanel which will recycle its bio-based panel material; Water Roundabout Eerbeek and its fully circular water system for four paper factories; Leadax Circular Roofing and its sustainable roofing of unused plastic waste; and Circufloc which is developing a bio-based circular product with very good insulation value for buildings. 


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