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46.6% of the total municipal waste generated in Catalonia in 2021, around 1,878,000 tonnes, was collected selectively. This represents an increase of 3.1% compared to 2020, meaning 52,700 tonnes more. These figures emerge from the data on selective collection of municipal waste in Catalonia in 2021 published by ACR+ member ARC

In terms of waste generation, 4 million tonnes of municipal waste were generated in 2021, 1.3% more than in 2020 and a per capita generation of 519 kg/inhabitant/year. Regarding separate collection, the four main fractions have increased slightly compared to the previous year. Organic waste grew the most (4.6%) followed by glass (3.2%). However, more than half of the municipal waste generated is still not collected separately.  

Source: (in Catalan) 



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