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ACR+ member the Catalan Waste Agency has launched a new communication campaign to promote the selective collection of the organic waste fraction. With the slogan "Si hi va, bé. Si no hi va, no ve" (If it goes there, okay. If it does not go, it doesn't come back), the campaign focuses on the importance of separating the remains of food and small-size vegetable waste - such as leaves, lawns or branches. It exposes in a very visual way the advantages of recycling it.

Apart from being present in the most traditional channels - television, radio and the written press -, the campaign will also circulate on social networks. 4 short videos have been created, explaining what is organic, what is converted, and what benefits it creates, as well as the consequences of not separating well. It will appear on Twitter and Instagram, where users will be invited to share it. In addition, a webapp will offer the possibility of creating compositions similar to those of the ads, and the most original will be rewarded.

Organic waste represents 36% of municipal waste in Catalonia. Currently, 30% of the organic waste produced is collected, representing 10% of the total municipal waste generated. The objective is that by 2020, 60% of organic waste can be valorised. The organic collection service is currently provided by 781 Catalan municipalities, 136 of which do so through a selective door-to-door collection.

Sources: and (in Catalan)

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