Wallonia 80px

ACR+ member Wallonia has launched a call for projects to municipalities and inter-municipal intended to finance the installation of underground containers for organic waste.

The region plans to invest 1,741,670 euros for the financing of 316 underground containers 233 of which will be intended for the collection of household organic waste. The other 83 underground containers will also be installed to collect the residual waste.

With a selective collection rate approaching 70 %, Wallonia is at the forefront of waste sorting at the European level. On average, 568 kg of waste per inhabitant are collected each year. Since 1998, the quantities of non-selectively collected garbage have decreased by nearly 46 % while the separately collected waste has increased by 88 %. This progress can be explained in particular by the increase of container parks.

Source: www.wallonie.be (in French)

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