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ACR+ member the Catalan Waste Agency will grant 1.8 million euros to support 66 business projects linked with the promotion of circular economy, following a call for proposal published in 2017.

39 of the supported projects are aiming to develop and test prototypes of new products or services. They include, for example, a pilot test to reuse the disposable headphones for tourist transport, a project to analyse the potential of a system for collecting cider containers or another one to develop recyclable multilayer plastic containers, etc. The other projects aimed at launching on the market new products or services. Amongst these projects, one aims at designing and implementing a system for the reuse of mattresses that are not used after hygienizing and conditioning them, others at creating a sample of wires and fabrics made from waste, the creation of a mobile application to support individual composting, etc.

If sorted by categories, most projects (28) focus on improving waste recovery, followed by eco-design (18), new applications of recycled materials (9), industrial symbiosis (5), reuse of products (5), and return services of used products driven by the distributor or manufacturer in order to reuse, remanufacture or recycle (1).

Source: (in Catalan)

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