We are turning 30! To celebrate, we are coming to you with a series of podcasts, offering a brand-new perspective on our activities. Every month, our guests will walk you through who we are and what we do.

Today, we are excited to share with you the first episode! It will take you on a little time travel, back to the 1990s’, when the Brussels Capital Region started to look for innovative solutions while developing its waste management plan. A few international meetings later, a group of cities decided to stick together to increase separate collection, boost recycling, and decrease waste.

ACR+ was born! 

In this episode you will hear from ACR+ founder, Jean-Pierre Hannequart, who tells us all about the creation of the network. The discussion continues with Josep Maria Tost, former president, about the role of cities and regions in raising awareness, and Iain Gulland, current president, on how ACR+ supported its members in the trickiest times. The podcast closes with an insight on the operational side of the network thanks to Françoise Bonnet, the current secretary general! 

If you’re curious about the backstage of ACR+ story, listen to the podcast, and stay tuned for episode 2! 

What’s new in the network

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