Since 2014, 5 December has been designated as World Soil Day. The FAO request was endorsed by the UN General Assembly in June 2023, marking 5 December 2014 as the first official World Soil Day. Nine years from then, international organisations and local actors are increasingly bringing the attention on the vital role that soils play on our society, for life of Earth, human and animal nutrition, biodiversity conservation and ecosystem. This year, it was the first year the European Commission organised the EU Soil Week. The event took place in Madrid, under the EU Spanish presidency, from 21 to 23 November 2023. ACR+ is committed to support the objectives of the EU Soil Mission and to foster action on the ground to reach healthy soil status in Europe by 2050. Through engagement in the PREPSOIL project, and through activities related to our Sustainable Food Systems and Built Environment thematic areas, we are slowly but progressively creating action for better management and planning of soil resources across land uses. To testify on that, ACR+ recently signed the Soil Mission Manifesto. We encourage all of our members to endorse the same process and join us in tangible actions for healthier soils. 

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