The Packaging Reuse Position Paper: Maximising Benefits, endorsed by ACR+, is now published. This paper represents a collaboration among a diverse group of stakeholders, including small and large businesses, municipalities, and NGOs across Europe, united in their support for ambitious reuse policies in EU’s proposed Packaging Regulation. 
As Europe navigates the path towards a more circular future for packaging, the position paper outlines crucial principles aimed at maximising the benefits of reuse within the Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive. Furthermore, it delves into how the EU possesses the potential to take a leading role on a global scale when it comes to developing the necessary materials, systems, processes, and digital tools required to realise the vision for a more sustainable and reusable packaging future. 
The coalition's call to European co-legislators includes the following key points: 
  • Set stringent criteria for "reusable" packaging. 
  • Share responsibility throughout the value chain. 
  • Aim higher with ambitious reuse targets. 
  • Continuously improve with transparent reporting. 
  • Embrace refill as a waste-prevention method. 
  • Establish clear definitions for reuse models. 

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