
HOOP hosted its first Study Tour on 21 and 22 June, visiting the Lighthouse cities of Almere (NL) and Münster (DE). The HOOP partners, together with the members of the HOOP Network, including ACR+ members Brussels Environment and The Hague, gathered to learn, exchange ideas and work on common challenges by discovering the biowaste valorisation and management processes implemented by the two HOOP lighthouses.

On day one in Münster, participants discovered the anaerobic digestion and composting processes implemented in the AWM, the local waste management company, biowaste management facilities and had a view of the studies of Münster on using Pyrolysis to produce biochar. The tour included also the Landfill-Learning Trail, where AWM explained the guiding principles of a modern and resource-conserving circular economy to student visitors. Then, the members of the network were invited to share with the HOOP partners the main achievements and challenges in terms of valorisation of biowaste in their territories. On day two in Almere, the municipality presented the main strategies Almere is adopting to improve the quality of the biowaste collection. Participants visited the Cirwinn plant where the construction and demolition waste is valorised and turned into green concrete, already used to build a 3km bicycle path in Almere. Another inspiring project in progress sees the valorisation of invasive water plants turned into construction material and bioplastic for traffic signs. The tour ended at Floriade, the international expo focused on making the cities greener, where the participants could learn from the zero-carbon buildings and all the technologies presented to push for a less resource-consuming urban development.

The partners and the members of the HOOP network went back to their contries enriched and with the mind already to the next HOOP exchange opportunity. Join the HOOP Network of cities and regions and get access to all the services reserved to the HOOP members: click here to join the network.


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