In light of the French presidency of the Council of the EU, the Green Sports Hub met in Paris to confirm upcoming steps and outputs

The project’s consortium made up of representatives of various sports including rugby, cycling, volleyball, athletics and many more and supported by technical and communication experts met in Paris on 1 and 2 March in order to set a clear timeframe for the upcoming spring activities.

Hosted by the Surfrider Foundation Europe, as the project coordinator, at the Maison du Zero Déchet, the event served as a perfect opportunity for looking at what the spring months would bring in terms of activities, events and tasks. Most of the attention was given to the Self-Assessment Tool which was imagined to be a first instance tool for sport organisations – clubs and associations, who want to improve their environmental performances by understanding the links between various practices and procedures and their environmental consequences. This tool and its development, which is led by ACR+, should provoke and inspire those sport organisation to review and rethink their internal practices when organising events and running their day-to-day activities both in terms of governance and operations.

Five modules would make up the Tool itself, closely linked with the 5 aspects the International Olympic Committee want to see as fields of improvements. This would include biodiversity, climate change, resource management, natural environment and more. Together with the sport organisations working on the project, the spring months will ensure that the tool would meet the key criteria for having a useful tool – inclusive and not sport specific, easy to use avoiding specific metrics and a mindset change provoker. This tool, once consulted will lead and direct the user to a more sophisticated and wholesome learning process composed of tailor-made suggestions and recommendations and a comprehensive database of available resources for learning.

Apart from the Tool, the partners also kick-started the discussion on the outreach strategy which wants to see numerous actors from the world of sports – sponsors, clubs, equipment producers and others, joining the Hub and taking advantage of it either as solutions providers or beneficiaries.

The meeting was followed up by a Conference in Strasbourg, organised by the European Parliament and the French presidency which featured the project coordinator Surfrider Foundation Europe as a speaker.

The next meeting will take place in June in Brussels.


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