URGE Circular Building Cities URBACT Action Planning Network, lead by the city of Utrecht, has the objective to boost circular economy, in the building sector. There are 9 partner organisations that participate, from all other Europe. 7 of them are cities (Utrecht, Prato, Copenhagen, Munich, Granada, Riga and Kavala-Greece), 1 is industrial partner (Nigrad-Maribor) and 1 is an intermunicipal authority from the West Region of Portugal (OESTE Cim). The key outcomes, are 9 local action plans, prepared by the partner organisations. The methodology is shaped in two dimensions: the transnational dimension, through which cities are exchanging knowledge and practices in the frame of transnational meetings and the local dimension, through which local coordinators pass transnational knowledge to the local working groups that are dedicated in preparing the local action plans. The local groups follow the integrated approach and are composed by members from the quadruple helix. As the topic is very broad, the Network decided to focus on 4 sub-themes: governance, better knowledge, materials and resources and operations/infrastructure. ACR+ will take part to an open event organised in the framework of URGE on Tuesday February 15 from 10:00 to 16:00 CETDigitally hosted by the city of Granada we will discuss the importance of procurements and good governance for circular economy together with the ProCirc Interreg NWE project, and the Danish CLEAN Cluster. ACR+ will present its activities and the good practices of its members on Governing circular economy from a territorial perspective.

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