The European Commission DG Environment is currently assessing the feasibility to expand current measures for waste prevention at the Union level. Thus, it opened a public consultation and launched the survey, “Scoping study to assess the feasibility of further EU measures on waste prevention” to collect data on opportunities for, and barriers to, waste prevention. The survey focuses on circularity principles favoring design, repair, reuse and remanufacturing operations, and supporting new business models based on the sharing of products. The survey will feed an analysis of implemented or planned waste prevention measures in the EU Member States for specific waste streams. It is available online until 7 September 2021.

ACR+ Secretariat will take part in the survey on behalf of ACR+, feeding its answer with relevant examples from the network. Should you want to see specific input from your territory included in the answers to the survey, we invite you to send it to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by Friday 27 August by filling in the Word version of the survey available here.

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