
Last 23 February 2021, the launch event of the Cir©Lean Network “Industrial Symbiosis as an opportunity for carbon neutrality” was organised as part of the EU Industry Week 2021. The event contributed to: promote the Cir©Lean network as an opportunity to develop a common methodology for reporting industrial symbiosis exchanges, increase businesses competitiveness, foster green-growth and eco-innovation, shift to circular economy models and inspire stakeholders to join the Cir©Lean Network.

The event opened with a presentation of Cir©Lean’s main ambition and the potential of industrial symbiosis, followed by testimonials from selected members on the reasons for joining the network, including ACR+ member Orée.

ACR+ participated in the first roundtable about the key drivers for industrial symbiosis. These are the messages highlighted by ACR+:

  • Industrial symbiosis finds its expression in the role of Local and Regional Authorities: planification (policy & regulation), consumption (procurement & support to eco-innovation), facilitation (governance & awareness);
  • Industrial symbiosis is of paramount importance for territorial development & resilience (local economic perspective and especially in case of covid-crisis);
  • Industrial symbiosis is a key strategy and approach for Circular economy (linked to environmental public policies on waste, water and energy);
  • Industrial symbiosis is one of the solutions supporting the achievement of legal obligations at EU level (e.g. on waste management);
  • Industrial symbiosis helps to make links with other policies (climate & energy).

Ms. Margaret Murphy, Regional Resource Efficiency Officer at the Southern Region Waste Management Office (SRWMO), ACR+ member, also participated as a panelist in this Roundtable. The office co-ordinates the waste management planning for the ten local authorities in the Southern Region, one of three such regions in Ireland. These are the key takeaways:

  • Learn from each other through good practice examples
  • A challenge within any sector can be to change established practices
  • Incorporate industrial symbiosis within green procurement practices and make this the norm
  • Work together on By-product or End of Waste Status for materials
  • Dissemination of information through different networks



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