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As part of the Coordination Group of the European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform (ECESP), and more specifically as leader of a Leadership Group dedicated to Cities and Regions, ACR+ has been actively involved in the organisation of the Platform’s annual conference, which took place online on 3 and 4 November. In particular, ACR+ co-organised two workshops on the second day of the conference, in cooperation with some of its members and other ECESP partners. The first workshop was co-organised with ACR+ member OVAM/Circular Flanders and focused on circular procurement, giving also some room to other ACR+ members and ProCirc partners like Zero Waste Scotland and Rijkswaterstaat. The second workshop was dedicated to “going beyond waste management indicators for circular economy in cities and regions”. It involved several ACR+ members like Navarra region and focused in particular on the ACR+ campaign “More Circularity, Less Carbon”, the LCA4Regions project and a draft list of indicators based on the work done within the Urban Agenda Partnership for Circular Economy. Both workshops focused on local and territorial perspective and were linked by the need to have a strong and shared governance of the circular economy. They were also following up on the discussions already engaged with ACR+ members earlier this year within the three CEN working groups on governance, indicators and procurement.

Besides, ACR+ members and other experts shared views and expertise within the ACR+ working group on circular bioeconomy focusing on the governance of circular bioeconomy.

Finally, new cases on circular economy actions and strategies have been published recently on the CEN database. These cases include circular economy strategies from Pays de la Loire, Glasgow, and Lombardy, as well as more specific actions on waste management data center in Greater Porto area, civic amenity site's customer portal in South-West Flanders and design for disassembly in Central Denmark.



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