The first meeting of the ACR+ working group on circular bioeconomy, launched at the request of ACR+ member Pays de la Loire, took place on 21 September. Over 20 representatives of ACR+ members and external experts discussed regional strategies and expert recommendations on the governance aspect. Several interviews and factsheets about local cases are providing additional information.
The Pays de la Loire region introduced its approach on sustainable and circular bioeconomy and highlighted the specific focus on governance for this working group. Then three cases of regional bioeconomy strategies in Navarra, Flanders and Bavaria were presented and stimulated a lively discussion within the group on governance models and recommendations to develop such strategies. Among the main take-aways the following are worth of attention:
- Bioeconomy is trans-sectoral, therefore several policy departments and local/regional stakeholders need to be engaged;
- A strong political commitment and involvement of local and regional authorities is needed to implement a circular and sustainable bioeconomy, either as steering body or at least as supporter and promoter of a circular bioeconomy dynamic on the territory;
- Different stakeholder engagement methods can be put in place to engage all relevant actors, there is no one-size-fits-all strategy. While some cases started with a broad involvement of organisations and policies, others focused on a core group of partners and progressively involved additional stakeholders to address specific topics.