IMG 4510

On 11 April 2018, Josep Maria Tost I Borràs, ACR+ President and Director of Agencia de Residus de Catalunia, presented the “Charter of Commitments for sustainable material resource management and circular economy”, developed in the framework of the projects BLUEISLANDS and URBAN-WASTE, as a tool to promote international cooperation. MEPs Gesine Meissner, Tonino Picula, Michela Giuffrida, Claudia Monteiro de Aguiar and Davor Skrlec signed the Charter to express their support, together with representatives of the Department of Environment of Cyprus, the Catalan Waste Agency, the Region of Crete, the Consell de Mallorca, Mykonos and Rhodes municipalities and  the agency Wasteserv Malta. ACR+ invites local and regional authorities to join the campaign and express their interest in improving their waste management performances in touristic areas. For more information, consult the BLUEISLANDS website.

The initial signing took place during the conference "Towards a circular economy and sustainable tourism on islands", hosted at the European Parliament. The conference, jointly organised by ACR+ and  the SEARICA Intergroup in the framework of the BLUEISLANDS project. Presentations of the conference are available on the BLUEISLAND website. Read a short summary of the conference here.

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