CEN vertical RVB 200pxACR+ keeps increasing the richness of the Circular Europe Network database of good practices by publishing new factsheets on local and regional authorities’ actions, in particular on industrial symbiosis with the industrial park ECO3 in Finland and the Food valley of Bjuv in Sweden.

Located in the border area between the cities on Nokia, Tampere and Ylöjärvi, ECO3 is a business park which core of the industrial activity is being formed from bio- and circular economy companies which activities offer possibilities to many other tech and service companies in the bio- and circular economy, water-economy and energy field. From this area of independent organizations, a new creative ecosystem has developed, which exceeds traditional sector boundaries, and in which one person’s waste is another’s commodity. ECO3 works simultaneously as a demonstration and pilot environment, which is developed by co-operating with both domestic and foreign companies, as well as universities. Another example, the Food Valley of Bjuv (FVoB) is a cluster initiative founded by the Swedish food producer Findus Sverige AB in cooperation with the Bjuv municipality. It aims at developing innovative sustainable solutions for food production. The cluster has been created to be a meeting place for innovators and entrepreneurs to come together and develop new solutions, and to establish recycling-based production for food. Food Valley of Bjuv currently has several focus areas: sustainable food production, –green impact industrial park, onshore fish farming, greenhouse cultivation, innovative packaging industry and other related supportive industrial establishment.

Other recently published factsheet focused on food strategy in Tukums (Latvia). New models of governance are also illustrated in a factsheet on Bologna’s Register for Active Participation (Italy) and the Share Peterborough initiative (UK).

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