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The LIFE FUTURE project consortium is progressing on the development of the GUF Tool. Efforts made both in the selection and in the programming of the environmental criteria for urban furniture products yielded fruits: a DEMO version of the GUF Tool is now available online.

Within this version, public authorities can select the environmental criteria for urban furniture to be included in the tender on a Green Public Procurement process. Explanatory information is also provided for each criterion inside the GUF Tool platform. Once the selection is finalised, two PDF documents can be generated: one listing the criteria to be fulfilled by urban furniture products and a second one to be used as a checklist for verifying the compliance of the evaluated product with selected each criterion.

Urban furniture providers can also use the GUF Tool to check if their products are complying with the tenders based on the GUF Tool.

The next edition of LIFE FUTURE Newsletter is currently being prepared. It will give more details on the different features of the GUF Tool so don’t forget to subscribe to it!

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