Together with more than 40 stakeholders from 14 countries, ACR+ took part in the 2nd Steering Committee Meeting of the EU funded SWIM and Horizon 2020 - Support Mechanism project (SWIM-H2020 SM), which was held on 31 January 2018 in Jordan.
During the meeting, an overview of the project’s progress to date was provided; in fact, the bulk of the nearly 100 activities of the project are in progress. A constructive dialogue and consultation on them was also held. The feedback from the Focal Points of the Project’s Partner Countries namely Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine and Tunisia was very useful. They highlighted in particular the importance of the project at national and regional level and the necessity for uninterrupted continuation of the project with further in-depth involvement and presence of the project’s experts in the countries and more study visits and peer-to-peer interventions.
ACR+ is part of the team of experts who carry out capacity building activities aimed at public authorities in the Mediterranean countries to improve waste reduction and management performance.
Upcoming activities are planned in Morocco (on marine litter and coastal planning) and in Tunisia (on single use plastic bags strategy and multilayers packaging management).”

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