

The Azorean Regional Fund for Science and Technology hosted the 7th Mutual Learning event on 20-21 March 2018 and the accompanying Municipality Forum within the framework of URBAN-WASTE project in Ponta Delgada, on the island of Sao Miguel.

The event focused on bio-waste treatment options suitable for urban areas which can serve as a solution for seasonal variations in bio-waste quantities due to tourism and bigger number of visitors and seasonal residents. A wide set of external speakers were invited for this occasion covering several bio-waste treatment technologies. While Benoit Salsac of composting association WORMS from Brussels and David Wilken of the German Biogas Association explained their practices and the technologies they represent respectively, Juan Carlos Valles, who represented ACR+ member the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona gave a final presentation, summarising how these two technologies can co-exist and cover each other in cases of seasonal variations of bio-waste, providing different benefits for cities at the same time. Study visits were organised in order to showcase the solutions already in place on the island. Two hotels were presented that are advanced in terms of waste management adjusted to tourism. The municipality and the regional authority also presented how they manage waste collection in the countryside and nature reserves where a large number of tourists go.

The next Mutual Learning event will take place in Kavala, Greece from 26 to 28 June 2018 and will focus on marine litter.

In the meantime, do not miss the chance to participate in the webinar on gender responsive budgeting, organised by URBAN-WASTE project, on 9 April 2018 at 11:00 (CET). Read more about the webinar and register here.

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