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WES | Call for Expressions of Intent to be a champion of plastic pollution prevention in the Mediterranean 

12 June 2023 ACR+ News

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The WES project has launched a call for "Champions of Plastic Pollution Prevention in the Mediterranean". The aim is to combat plastic pollution, specifically Single-Use Plastics (SUPs), by encouraging voluntary actions and innovative solutions. Applicants from Mediterranean countries, including local authorities, civil society organisations, educators, researchers, and the private sector, can propose new initiatives to be implemented in WES Project countries. Successful candidates will be honoured as "Champions in addressing pollution by plastics" and join the "Med Community of Champions on Plastic Pollution Prevention". Submissions are accepted in English, French, and Arabic until 31 July 2023. The selected champions will implement their actions from October 2023 to August 2024, with the winners announced in autumn 2024.  
Send your submission online through this link.   

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