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LCA4Regions | Life cycle instruments are the future for sustainable regions 

19 June 2023 ACR+ News

LCA4Regions EU FLAG small 

The Interreg Europe LCA4Regions project recently organised its final conference in Brussels to present the results from the implementation of their action plans and discuss the potential of Life Cycle Assessment instrument in regional public policies.   

The good practices and experiences exchanged during the project demonstrates the positive impact of LCA on local actions. With the other results of the project, such as the policy recommendations, they can serve as inspiration for other public authorities. During the final conference, discussions focused on the use of life cycle instruments in sustainable textiles, regional policies, green public procurement, and meeting skills and training needs for sustainable regions. 

The project finishing in July, the partners are now looking for new ways to continue their collaborative journey in promoting the integration of LCA into public policies. 

The presentations from the conference can be downloaded from the LCA4Regions' website.  



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