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ProCirc | The project is coming to an end!

10 April 2023 ACR+ News

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In these last months before the end of the project (June 2023), ProCirc partners have been working intensively on several project outcomes which are now available: the Procurement transformation Canvas and Workshop manual which guides procurers on how to rethink their procurement process and integrate circularity; and the Circular Procurement Transformation Guidance which provides recommendations to procurers for each step of the procurement journey, and includes tools, excerpts of the Interreg NSR ProCirc pilots and other useful resources. Partners have also finalised the ProCirc pilot case studies which gather the main results and lessons learnt. Moreover, two opportunity mapping reports have been published: How to procure circular: Lessons from 30 pilot procurements and Circular procurement - Five scaling opportunities.

Partners are still working on the Joint Statements of Demand for Professional clothing, Office furniture and Electrical Vehicle chargers (contact in case of interest to participate). Other ongoing activities are the recommendations for organisational change, and the Circular Success Guide for suppliers. 












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