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EWWR | The European Week for Waste Reduction will award the best 2022 actions in Dublin!

10 April 2023 ACR+ News

The 14th edition of the European Week for Waste Reduction (EWWR) gathered more than 16 000 actions all over Europe and beyond. The action developers truly appreciated the thematic focus on circular and sustainable textiles. In fact, many actions have been organised to navigate the strong impact of this sector on the environment and to provide alternative behavioural solutions to push the circular transition of the textile and clothing industries. The EWWR jury will have a difficult job in selecting only 6 winning actions among all the great actions nominated by the coordinators. The finalists were revealed in early April, while the whole EWWR community will meet on 1 June in Dublin for the annual EWWR Awards Ceremony. The 5 winners of the sister campaign Euro-Med Weeks for Waste Reduction will also join the EWWR finalists and coordinators to bring some Mediterranean inspiration. Finally, during the Ceremony, the new thematic focus will be presented. In 2023, the EWWR will focus on the alarming and challenging topic of packaging. Don’t miss the most important event of the year on waste reduction! 
Check the agenda here and register!

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