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GREENER | Discover all the outcomes of the project

10 April 2023 ACR+ News


Last November 2022, the GREENER project arrived at its end. After 2 years of intense work partners developed several tools to facilitate companies’, and in particular SMEs’, engagement in Green and Circular Public Procurement (GPP/CPP). The 5 module training course to boost SMEs’ knowledge on GPP/CPP is now available as well as National Reports including recommendations from the Advisory Group on how to overcome the barriers that SMEs face to participate in GPP. 

Moreover, partners also developed a GREENER Toolbox divided in three sections: a) How to engage SMEs on CPP/GPP, which includes a set of recommendations to local authorities, b) Orientation to Vocational Education and Training providers on designing Vocational Education and Training programs, such as the GREENER training course; and c) Factsheets of good practices supporting SMEs to participate in GPP which it includes strategic documents, awards, technical assistance, guidance, or seminars.

To support and further scale up the project results, different members of the Advisory Group signed a  charter of commitment. Finally, you can find here the presentations of the final conference held in Brussels on 24 November 2022. 










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