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2021 will be ACR+ member WasteServ Malta's most productive year in terms of recyclables since its inception in 2002. This was announced by Minister for the Environment, Climate Change and Planning Aaron Farrugia during a visit at the Sant'Antnin Facility in Marsascala.    

Estimates available to date show that for 2021 around 18,000 tonnes of good quality material will be recycled and returned to the economy. Such an achievement is even more impressive when one considers that the EUR 500 million investment in the new ECOHIVE project has not yet started to bear fruit. In terms of the main streams of recyclables, these figures translate into around 5,500 tonnes of cardboard and paper; 3,500 tonnes of metal; 7,000 tonnes of glass; and 2,000 tonnes of plastic.   

Source: www.wsm.com.mt

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