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Harnessing sports for sustainability

ACR+ recently participated in the Sport as a Tool for Healthy and Green Planet Symposium, held on 10 April in Brussels. The event brought together stakeholders from the sports, environment, and health sectors, along with public institutions and policymakers, to explore cross-sectoral cooperation in promoting sustainability through grassroots sports initiatives. Aligned with the European Green Deal and other EU initiatives, the symposium aimed to amplify efforts by grassroots sports organizations to drive behaviour change for sustainability and engage diverse stakeholders at national and local levels. 

ACR+ seized the opportunity to showcase the ACCESS project and its cross-sectoral approach and methodology in addressing sustainability challenges. Sharing insights from project activities. The presentation highlighted the importance of collaboration between sports organizations and local authorities to promote sustainability and circular economy practices. The symposium featured interactive sessions, including panel discussions and workshops, where speakers emphasised the role of grassroots sports in climate action awareness and environmental sustainability. 

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