The second Mutual Learning event within the URBAN WASTE project framework exploring Information and Communications technology (ICT) solutions applied to tourism and waste management, will take place in Santander, Spain on 9 March 2017.

The event will also serve as the pre-premiere of the WasteApp application, currently being developed by the Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. The mobile application is expected to be launched in September 2017 and will include gamification and awarding features for a more friendly use.

Apart from the project's own ICT solutions which also include interactive food waste maps for restaurants and other tourism and hospitality service providers, Santander as the workshop's host city, will present the ICT tools its waste management authority uses for improving the waste management performances in the city. Participants will also have the opportunity to hear the experiences of the rest of the 11 pilot cities and regions of the projects.

This event is free of charge and open to all. Find out more about the event and the programme here.

ACR+ members (in particular cities and regions with a large number of tourists) eager to present during this event the ICT solutions they are using in their waste management practices are invited to get in touch with Erneszt Kovacs (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
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