ACR+ was recently contacted by the European Commission, DG GROW, to take part in the “Big Public Buyers and Networks Initiative”, aiming at building a partnership to promote engagement in strategic public procurement to use public procurement to deliver on wider policy goals such as a more sustainable, innovative and competitive economy and more inclusive society. The objective of the initiative is to encourage “big” buyers (preferably big cities, regions or small groups of cities) to use public procurement in a more coordinated way. In a first step, this initiative focuses on innovation, then it will be expanded to strategic public procurement, including circular procurement. ACR+ would like also to make the link with the lessons learnt during the PPI4Waste project (in which coordinated procurement was also considered) as well as with the new ProCirc project (led by the Dutch ministry of water and infrastructure).
If ACR+ members are willing to participate in this big buyers initiative and be kept informed about the next steps of the process, or if you are aware of relevant contacts, please inform This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..