On its 30th anniversary, ACR+, the Association of Cities and Regions for Sustainable Resource Management, presents a forward-thinking strategy titled "No Sustainable Future Without a Just, Sufficient, and Circular Transition." This strategy guides cities and regions towards sustainability amidst the looming triple environmental crisis, reflecting a renewed vision for circular urban and regional environments.

Brussels, Belgium - In a world where the urgency of circular material resource management cannot be overstated, ACR+ renews its commitment to drive environmental policies towards sustainable consumption and production models. The strategy is a call to action for a just, sufficient, and circular transition, resonating with ACR+'s vision for vibrant cities and regions where economic and ecological systems intertwine harmoniously.

The vision is underpinned by three essential principles:

  • No green ambitions will be achieved without circular economy.
  • The transition we need is a just transition driven by the sufficiency principle
  • Cities and regions are at the heart of sustainability action.

ACR+ has set an ambitious goal for 2030, as it aims to become the go-to source of information and resources for decentralised authorities striving for a circular economy. Stemming from this goal, the document defines among the network’s key objectives: supporting the adoption of an EU material resources law, supporting ACR+ members to develop circular economy strategies, and breaking silos be it through partnerships and network expansion, or policy fields and departments.

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“To guarantee a sustainable future for all we need to rethink how we use our resources to stay within the planet boundaries. For that, we must give the right instruments and resources to the right actors. Fully integrating cities and regions in the decision-making process is crucial since everything happens locally, from where we grow our food or produce our goods to how we discard our waste. We must join forces to give cities and regions enough support to drive their environmental policies towards sustainable and sufficient consumption and production models." - Françoise Bonnet, Secretary General, ACR+.

The unveiling of this visionary strategy took place at a session of the Waste in Progress congress on 16 April 2024 in Girona, Spain. ACR+ looks forward to exchanging views and discussing clear indicators for circularity at its upcoming General Assembly on 18-19 June 2024 in Marseille, France.

ACR+’s 30th General Assembly and the closing seminar for the LIFE IP Smart Waste project will be a time of reflection and engagement between members of the network and experts from the European Institutions, civil society, academia and the private sectors. Beyond the 2030 vision, the agenda also includes a key-note speech by Janez Potočnik, insightful discussions, strategy shaping sessions, networking opportunities, and visits to local sustainable initiatives. Registration is open until 15 May, with some sessions available to the public. Further details are available on the ACR+ website.

As ACR+ takes its members on a transformative journey, it invites feedback and collaboration from its members. Together, we can pave the way for vibrant, circular cities and regions that prioritise environmental stewardship and social equity.

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Read the strategy here.


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