
The Maltese Islands celebrated another vital advancement in effective waste management, as Wasteserv, ACR+ member, officially inaugurated the new Gozo Waste Transfer and Materials Recovery Facility in Tal-Kus, Xewkija. The 10 million euro facility, which is a first for Gozo, will sort and store waste before it is transferred to Malta. Works here started in 2009 and the project was 85% funded by the Cohesion Fund 2007-2013.

Speaking at the inauguration Wasteserv Chairman, David Borg remarked that previously Gozo did not have a proper waste management system, resulting in the waste being processed in the open before transfer to the landfill in Malta. The facility has three main functions and will allow for closed environment processing and safeguard the surrounding environment. Primarily, the Materials Recovery Facility will provide the necessary pre-treatment for dry recyclables, after which they will then be delivered directly to their respective destinations, where the final treatment process or export will take place. Secondly, the facility will also receive 12,000 tonnes of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) every year, which will then be efficiently compacted in hermetically sealed containers and transferred to Malta for further treatment. In addition, the third process consists of shredding of bulky waste where possible and transfer of this material to Malta.

Once operational, the plant will help diminish 900 kilograms of CO2 emissions per year as well as save 15,000 cubic meters of landfill volume every year, according to Wasteserv CEO Tonio Montebello. The Minister for Sustainable Development, Environment and Climate Change, Leo Brincat said that project would help to enhance the enviro


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