Paris 80px

The Council of ACR+ member Paris has created Agriparis Seine, a territorial cooperation association that unites the forces of seven players or local authorities, including Paris, to reduce the impact of food production on the environment. This collaboration’s desire is to achieve sustainable food supply and support Paris in reaching its goals. The primary objectives of AgriParis Seine include: 
  • Seek co-funding for projects that meet its objectives, manage projects and support its members in responding to calls for projects; 
  • To promote sustainable agricultural and food practices, in order to take a stand in regional, national and international debates; 
  • Analyse and map food flows, supply and demand in the region, particularly in the catering sector; 
  • Strengthening links, creating spaces for dialogue and solidarity between urban and rural areas, and linking the heads of the food system network. 
Source: (in French) 


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