The Department of Territorial Cohesion of the ACR+ member Government of Navarra and the Recicleta Ribera Association have signed a collaboration agreement with the aim of promoting and increasing safe and sustainable mobility in this area of Navarra, supporting the use of this vehicle as a priority means of transport.

The agreement includes five specific lines of work, such as the creation of a bicycle recycling workshop. Bicycles that are no longer in use will be repaired and donated to the Association as means of social and sustainable transport for people in need, which will lead to the promotion of the circular economy of bicycles. It should be noted that a bicycle bank will be created (using recycled bicycles) to be used by schools in La Ribera to promote sustainable mobility. Similarly, bicycles will be loaned to tourist accommodations that wish to promote tourism through this means of transport around the city.

Source: (in Spanish)

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