Ayuntamiento de Barcelona 80px

ACR+ members the Barcelona Metropolitan Area (AMB) and Barcelona City Council, together with the rest of the metropolitan municipalities, launched a campaign to promote a metropolitan waste network card to increase the number of users. This card registers citizens’ annual uses of landfills and waste collection points, which will allow them to get a bonus of up to 14% on the metropolitan waste treatment rate (MWTR). Proper waste separation significantly reduces the cost of treatment and leads to a direct drop in the rates paid by citizens. Municipalities that do better selective collection pay up to 3 times less in terms of MWTR than the rest.
Currently, the metropolitan average of selective collection is around 38%. However, 60% of municipalities are still well below the collection levels required by the EU. In Barcelona, ​​this index is around 40%.
Source: www.amb.cat (in Catalan)

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