Launched by ACR+ member RESSOURCES ten years ago, the Rec’Up label guarantees the quality of the products and services proposed by social economy enterprises active in collection, selection, reuse, valorisation and recycling of goods. The institutions that have attained this label are part of a global movement aiming to align our economy with the principles of environmental and social sustainability.
RESSOURCES announced on 5 March 2019 that 19 Walloon companies operating from 44 sites have been labelled with the Rec’Up label thus far. The distinction offers social enterprises the possibility to position themselves as professionals in the reuse sector, at a time when second-hand stores are very popular. It also ensures transparency of the flows management and guarantees that enterprises respect the quality standards established by RESSOURCES. Rec’Up enterprises apply the circular economy principles in the processing of a wide range of commodities, ranging from clothing to bulky waste, toys and home appliances.
Source: (in French)

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