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01 March 2023 Content

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The MINEV project – Waste Minimisation in Large Events – aims at being an accelerator for regional and local administrations to address and develop waste minimisation in large events through their policies for circular economy, waste management and climate neutrality.

Project co-funded under the Interreg Europe Fund of the European Union, 2023 - 2027


MINEV's Newsletter #1 is now live! Every six months, we will be updating our subscribers with the latest project activities and initiatives from our partners that can inspire you on waste minimisation in large events. Subscribe now to stay updated and not miss out on anything!


{slider THE PROJECT}

The impact of large events on resource consumption is beyond any doubt. Their number and footprint make it essential to introduce sustainability as a criterion in their organisation. Although there are several factors that come together to make an event more sustainable, in practice one of the most relevant is the generation of waste and its management. There is an increasing concern and commitment on the part of regional and local administrations to make the large events organised in their territories greener; private stakeholders are also increasingly committed to sustainability; the participants in the events as well. However, the many aspects involved makes the challenge is often beyond the capabilities and resources.

MINEV aims at being an accelerator for regional and local administrations to address and develop waste minimisation in large events through their policies for circular economy, waste management and climate neutrality. With that objective, during the MINEV project 5 local and regional administrations from all over Europe will exchange good practices and policy measures in force in their territories that make waste minimisation in large events possible. They will be supported by ACR+ (advisory partner) that will help them to optimise the process of exchange of experience.

From the point of view of communication, large events are an exceptional opportunity to involve organisers, participants and the overall society in the culture of sustainability, given the projection capacity of these events. Differently from previous projects that provided experience in the field, MINEV is the only one entirely dedicated to policy improvements related to waste minimisation in large events; also, it is also the only one that pays attention to the particularities of the different types of events when it comes to waste production and minimisation.


ACR+ has specific responsibilities as MINEV´s advisory partner. It will play the role of technical advisor for project and partners and will be also responsible for the project communication, on the basis of its skills.

As technical advisor, it will support the partners in the organization of the Workshops and Webinar for Exchange of Experience and the Study Visits planned. They will revise the practices to be exchanged during these interregional events on the part of the different partners in order to ensure that quality contents aligned with the project as well as replicable experiences will be shared. They will help to identify the best practices during the interregional events and will advise the partners during the transposition of them into their territories and policies. ACR+ will be also responsible for the production of a Good Practices Magazine that will bring together the best practices identified, shared and transferred during the core phase.

As responsible for communication, ACR+ will manage MINEV website and social media. It will be responsible for designing a project panel that will be installed in local events in the partner cities and regions; also for 2 short films of the project and 7 e-Newsletters planned. It will lead the partners for communication matters and will represent the project in external events and programme events. ACR+ will support the organisation of the project Final Large Event.


MINEV’s lead partner is LIMASAM, Cleaning Service of Málaga Ltd. (ES)*. The other partners are:

  • ACR+, Association of Cities and Regions for sustainable Resource management (BE)
  • Region of Central Macedonia (GR)
  • KRWMC, Klaipeda Regional Waste Management Center (LT)
  • Metropolitan City of Bologna (IT)
  • Municipality of Krakow (PL)



More information:

Ernest Kovács

Virginia Amate Padilla


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